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DC Talk: Free At Last

DC Talk started out in the early 90's and have revolutionised Christian Music and brought freshness into the CCM industry. If it wasn't for this group, Christian Music wouldn't be as awesome and it wouldn't be as accessible to the younger generations as it is now. they have brought Christian Music out of the stagnant pool and have paved the way for lots of culturally relevant CCM bands and artists. They have taken so many risks to make CCM more available to people who listen to music that plays on mainstream radio.
They have endured a lot of criticism from a lot of the religious leaders who falsely accused this band for performing what they called the devil's music. I was personally quite annoyed at the comments that were posted on the internet of people who had a lot of false misconceptions about Christian Music, and what makes it worse is that some of these religious minded people misquoted the Bible concerning Christian Music. These religious leader are known in the Bible as the Pharisees. In the Bible times. The Pharisees falsely accused Jesus Christ of being friends with sinful people when Jesus actually came on Planet Earth to save sinners by dying on the cross for us and coming back to life on the 3rd day. Even worse the religious leaders deliberately accused Jesus of being of the devil, which the Bible strongly calls blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and that is a very unforgivable sin. If you are worried that you have commited this eternal sin, then chances are that you haven't committed it. We are all sinners and we all are in desperate need for Jesus to save us from eternal judgement in the Fiery pit of Hell. We all need hope and redemption from the curse of sin.
The members of DC Talk are Michael Tait, Toby Mckeehan and Kevin Max. This album ''Free At Last'' is one of the best CCM albums of the whole. This album contains elements of early 90's style Funk, Pop, Hip Hop and Rock and the songs are mindblowingly awesome.
The messages on this album are quite challenging. This album covers up topics about avoiding sexual impurity and waiting for God to bring the right person to you. This album also talks about the true meaning of love and it wakes us up to the fact that love have been misused and abused. This album also challenges up to take a stand for what is right and never tolerate sin and also we need to be using the gifts and talents to bring hope to people who are lost and without hope. Jesus is the answer to all of life's problems.
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