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New Town Kings: News Stand

I am going to review a song by a Band I have never heard of before and they do Ska Music. A friend that I knew at Mayday Trust introduced me to the New Town Kings and from what I've heard of them, they are brilliant. Now they are not a CCM Band to let you know but the song ''News Stand is a really good song that contains some thought provoking lyrics that encourage you not to believe the lies that are printed in the newspapers. Just because it is written in the papers doesn't mean it is true and things are not always what they seem. The tabloids are printing and selling an awful lot of gibberish and they do it to make money which is beyond a joke. Please don't believe the lies the news papers are sending you.

I am so glad I got introduced to the New Town Kings since I was brought up on Ska Music at an early age. If you are a big fan of  Ska Music, please check out the OC Supertones. They are an absolutely amazing Band.

Now to let you know, Mayday Trust is reserved for people with learning difficulties and disabilities and I take part in the pop music club once a week. I have been diagnosed with Autism (Aspergus Syndrome) at a very early age and I still am affected by it. This Positive Entertainment Blog is real evidence that people with autism can be very bright and clever people and they can also be very talented. I believe God can and still uses autistic people for his own glory.
Now the Bible teaches that God uses the the things that seem foolish to this world to shame those who are wise in the world's eyes. We don't have to lean on our own strength to achieve God's purposes because we do it by God's Holy Spirit. It is God who gives us strength and God's true strength is revealed when we are in a weak situation.
May God richly bless you with his unmerited favour and I pray that this review with impact you're life in ways I may not know. All Praise goes to God alone for what he has done in my life and is still doing in this present time and in the future to come. May you all be blessed in the mighty name of God.

Another song I would like to recommend and it is by the New Town Kings, and you can listen to it on Youtube. The song is called ''Change''.

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