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Guvna B: Scrapbook 2.

Music Style: Rap/Hip Hop, Gospel.
Year Of Release: 2014.
Touring: Big Church Day Out

This album is definately next level creativity and artistry and Guvna B is breaking out of the box big time on this project. I am ever so blown away by this incredible album that is new generational in delivery and a lot of young people are going to enjoy this album like i did, or even more.
Scrapbook 2 is one of the most inspiring, encouraging and energizing modern albums and it is an absolute masterpiece.  I am so encouraged that Guvna B is honing his creativity on this project and i pray that he will continue to move to higher heights like never before in the future.
Scrapbook 2 is such a positive radiant album that will inspire you to shine God's light in this dark world and go to the next level with God because God is the true radiator and an absolute energizer.
This album is full of so much energy that will spur you on in your faith because God is mega awesome. I believe God is more explosive than the supernova and more mindblowingly captivating that the amusement arcades. Church Of God, we have a brighter future because we are not of this world and this world as it is now is not our home because we are on our way to God's multi colourful
kingdom that is more futuristic than las vegas and there is an explosive party happening in Heaven.
While we are still here, we need to be taking part in bringing God's kingdom to this lifeless planet that need a whole lot of waking up. Let us sound the alarm and wake up this nation.
I firmly believe that God is about next level and we need to be breaking out of the religious box that has contributed to lifelessness and apathy which is horrible and absurd.

Religion has generated a lot of judgementlism and prejudice behind the four walls of the church and i am not putting up with it anymore. God has seriously been misrepresented and misinterpreted and a lot of non christians have such a false perception of God primarily because of religion itself.
Jesus Christ has never been about religion, in fact he broke the religious rules that was handed down by the religious leaders of the day. God is truly about relationship and Jesus came to break the great divide between God and mankind and positively redeem all races no matter the cultural and racial upbringing. Entertainment is not the problem, the main problem lies with the human heart that is so sin corrupted. So the problem is sin because it is sin and sin alone that is seperating us from a relationship with God. Jesus Christ is the answer to all of life's problems, actually, he is our only hope for the whole of mankind to be saved. So come to Jesus Christ as you are and he will send God's Holy Spirit to clean up your heart and give you new life.

I believe the time is coming when we need to stop putting religious labels on these positive Christian Faith based Artists that are actually making a positive impact on this generation. And stop seperating them from the mainstream culture and quit the stereotyping right now.. It is time for a holy revolution. God bless you all.

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