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U2: How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

U2 are one of the most greatest and most influential Bands of all time and this album is a classic.
This album is packed full of Stadium Rock songs that will get you rocking on your air guitar and singing at the top of your lungs.
This album contains some christian values since the main singer Bono is a Christian and he is well passionate about social justice and I believe he is after God's heart. Standing up for social justice is true worship in God's eyes. please go to Isaiah 58, Micah 6:8 and Amos 5:21-24 in the old testament.
one of the most well known Reggae artists Bob Marley had a deep passion for social justice and he spoke up for the downtrodden.
Pop/Gospel Soul Band ''The Christians'' also promoted social justice in some of their songs as well. I think they are an awesome band. Their songs are very powerful and emotive and there are some good moral values in some of their songs. They did a cover version of  ''Harvest For The World''. ''The Christians'' joined with the London Community Gospel Choir on ''In My Hour Of Need'' which is on their second album ''Colour''.
Recommended songs by The Christians. ''Ideal World'' ''Forgotten Town'' ''I Found Out'' ''Man Don't Cry'' ''Save A Soul In Every Town'' Hooverville'' ''Greenbank Drive'' ''Born Again'' and ''What's In A Word''.

Now back to U2. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.
This U2 album opens with one of their most awesome singles ''Vertigo''.
and it talks about temptation. Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil in the wilderness but Jesus resisted the three tempation traps. I would like to encourage you to go to Matthew 4:1-11 in the Bible. ''City Of Blinding Lights'' is a very anthemic stadium song and it contains the lyrics, Blessings not just for the one who kneels, luckily. Jesus actually commanded us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us because Jesus didn't come for the righteous and the healthy. Jesus came to save us who have sinned and done wrong against God. Yahweh is a very powerful song and a prayer to God, Take this city. A city should be shining on a hill. Take this city. If it be your will.
The Bible teaches us to let God's light shine in the darkest places and we ought to be praying that God's kingdom will come and his will be done on Earth as in Heaven.
U2 had a very strong influence on CCM Bands and Artist including, Delirious, Third Day, Switchfoot, Mercyme, and many others. This U2 album is a solid classic that will be enjoyed by Christians and Non Christians alike.

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